Japanese E-Commerce Giant Rakuten Confirms Acquisition Of Video Site Viki (TC)
Rakuten has confirmed that it will acquire Viki, a global video streaming platform that crowdsources translated subtitles. The Japanese e-commerce giant, which is expected to sign an agreement to buy Viki tomorrow, did not disclose financial terms, but is reportedly paying $200 million.
TCは楽天がシンガポール拠点のビデオストリーミングサイト、Vikiを推定2億ドルで買収することが決まったと伝えた。(Japanese E-Commerce Giant Rakuten Confirms Acquisition Of Video Site Viki)
In July, Viki added Blake Krikorian, founder of Sling Media and now corporate VP at Microsoft overseeing XBox, and Dave Goldberg, CEO of Survey Monkey, as strategic investors. Viki’s existing investors included Andreessen Horowitz and more, having raised $24.3 million in publicly-disclosed funding.
In a statement, Rakuten chairman and CEO Hiroshi Mikitani said, “There are a striking number of synergies and shared philosophies between our two businesses; the Viki model is built on a powerful community, focused on removing the language barriers that have traditionally trapped great content inside geographical borders. Since our foundation, Rakuten’s focus too has been to open up great services, content and goods to a global community. Viki is a perfect complement to Rakuten’s joint philosophies of Empowerment and Shopping IS entertainment.”
Vikiの経営陣は最近スリングメディアの創設者でマイクロソフトのVPでもあるBlake Krikorianや電子アンケートプラットフォームのSurvey MonkeyのCEOのDave Goldbergらを戦略的投資家として迎えたそうだ。ユーザーの手によって字幕翻訳されるコンテンツを通じて言語の壁を超えてグローバル市場に打ってでている同社と独自の流通網を通じてグローバルスタイルのビジネスを模索してきた楽天の創業精神には相通じるものがあると楽天CEOの三木谷浩史氏は述べている。