BlogWorld & New Media Expo 2011がロサンゼルスにやってくる (11月3~5日)

ソーシャルメディア革命の執筆のきっかけとなったと言っても過言ではない、BlogWorld & New Media Expoの今年度のスケジュールが発表された。

BlogWorld & New Media Expo Is Moving To Los Angeles

We have been hinting at big news for weeks now and we are glad to finally be able to share it with you. BlogWorld & New Media Expo West will be held in Los Angeles at the Los Angeles Convention Center this November 3 – 5 2011.

For those interested in the long version of why we decided to move to Los Angeles and leave Las Vegas you can read more at the bottom of this post. In short we love Mandalay Bay and Las Vegas. We never thought we would leave but the folks at MB just did not have the space we needed to hold the show there this year so we had to look at other options.



We were blown away by our first site visit to Los Angeles. I have attended numerous events at the LA Convention Center including NAMM, E3 and the LA Auto Show. Honestly I always thought the convention center was great but there was nothing to do once you left the building. That has changed drastically! Downtown Los Angeles is being revitalized. The multi-billion dollar L.A. Live entertainment complex is directly adjacent to the convention center. Several of the downtown hotels have just undergone multi million dollar renovations in order to compete with the new J.W. Marriott and Ritz-Carlton hotels (they are beautiful btw). There are tons of new restaurants, shopping, parks and just cool city stuff that you (at least I) had never imagined of when I thought of Los Angeles. Oh and don’t forget the food trucks.
To sum it up we think all of you are going to find more business opportunities than ever and those of you unfamiliar with Los Angeles are in for a real pleasant surprise.

と、いうことで、Welcome to LA, Blog World!!

立入 勝義 (Katsuyoshi Tachiiri) 作家・コンサルタント・経営者 株式会社 ウエスタンアベニュー代表 一般社団法人 日本大富豪連盟 代表理事 特定非営利活動法人 e場所 理事 日米二重生活。4女の父。元世銀コンサルタント。在米歴30年。 主な著書に「ADHDでよかった」(新潮新書)、「Uber革命の真実」「ソーシャルメディア革命」(共にDiscover21)など計六冊。