Kindle for iPadが米国外の市場で一斉にリリース

Amazonは自社の公式PRサイトでKindle for iPadがiPadが出荷されている全て市場で入手可能になったと発表した。ご存知の通りKindle for XX appはアマゾン社の電子ブック販売ポータル キンドルストアで購入したコンテンツを専用端末キンドル以外でも閲覧可能にするアプリだ。


Kindle for iPad App Now Available Globally
Free app for reading Kindle books on iPad gives readers in Japan and around the world the choice from hundreds of thousands of titles

SEATTLE, May 28, 2010 (BUSINESS WIRE) –, Inc. (NASDAQ: AMZN) today announced its Kindle App for iPad is now available in all countries where the iPad is offered. The app lets users select from hundreds of thousands of books available in the Kindle Store on iPad and features Amazon Whispersync technology that saves and synchronizes customers’ last page read, bookmarks, notes and highlights across their Kindle, Kindle DX, iPhone, iPod touch, Mac, iPad and more.

Features of the Kindle App for iPad include:

* Automatically Syncs with Kindle and Kindle Compatible Devices: Amazon’s Whispersync technology automatically syncs customers’ last page read, bookmarks, notes and highlights across Kindle, Kindle DX, Kindle for iPhone, Kindle for Mac, Kindle for iPad and more. Customers can read on their Kindle, read some on their iPad or Mac, and always pick up where they left off.
* Beautiful User Interface: The Kindle App user interface is tailored to the large size, look and feel of iPad. The new user interface with bold colors, animation and seamless user experience make Kindle on iPad a unique reading experience.
* Customizable Appearance: Customers can choose to dim iPad’s screen within the app to make reading easier regardless of the ambient light or time of day. Readers can also choose from three different background colors and alter the font color and size to customize the reading experience and help ease the strain on their eyes.
* Page Turn Animation: Kindle App for iPad offers an interactive experience with page turn animation designed to replicate the look of a page turning in a book. Customers who prefer a simpler, unadorned reading experience can choose the “Basic Reading Mode” option and turn off animation.

特徴(Features)のところにはページをめくるアニメーションが追加されていることがわかる。これは明らかにAppleのiBook Storeを意識しているようだ。

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