Kindle DTPでいよいよ印税率70%のオプションが解禁に

70 Percent Royalty Option for Kindle Digital Text Platform Now Available (6月30日)


DTP authors and publishers are now able to select the royalty option that best meets their needs. Books from authors and publishers who choose the 70 percent royalty option will have access to all the same features and be subject to all the same requirements as books receiving the standard royalty rate. In addition, to qualify for the 70 percent royalty option, books must satisfy the following set of requirements:

* The author or publisher-supplied list price must be between $2.99 and $9.99.
* The list price must be at least 20 percent below the lowest list price for the physical book.
* The title is made available for sale in all geographies for which the author or publisher has rights.
* The title will be included in a broad set of features in the Kindle Store, such as text-to-speech. This list of features will grow over time as Amazon continues to add more functionality to Kindle and the Kindle Store.
* Under this royalty option, books must be offered at or below price parity with competition, including physical book prices.

The 70 percent royalty option is for in-copyright works and is unavailable for works published before 1923 (a.k.a. public domain books). The 70 percent royalty option is currently only available for books sold to United States customers.

立入 勝義 (Katsuyoshi Tachiiri) 作家・コンサルタント・経営者 株式会社 ウエスタンアベニュー代表 一般社団法人 日本大富豪連盟 代表理事 特定非営利活動法人 e場所 理事 日米二重生活。4女の父。元世銀コンサルタント。在米歴30年。 主な著書に「ADHDでよかった」(新潮新書)、「Uber革命の真実」「ソーシャルメディア革命」(共にDiscover21)など計六冊。